

manifesting... it's really just expecting the best


That's exactly what I mean to tell you.

It's called visualisation, or more fashionably 'manifestation' and it's a principle which says that what we concentrate on comes to us.

It's not exactly magic. But it can seem that way. What you focus your will upon will come to pass in your life. Not always in the way you expected, but your thoughts will be reflected in your life for better or worse.

If you focus your mind on health and exercise, you are very likely to follow those thoughts with action and you will be a healthy person. If you focus on wealth, you are likely to take the kinds of action needed to make money. If you focus on love, you will exude love which attracts others and you are likely to live a life filled with doting lovers, friends and family.

Conversely of course, if you focus on negative thoughts, you are going to attract negative experiences.

For instance, fear. If you're a very fearful person, you'll find yourself stumbling through life, hesitating at the very times when you should take a gamble and therefore missing opportunities. In relationships, you'll find yourself expecting the worst of the world and suspecting the worst of your partner - which will drive them away. This is what's called self fulfilling prophecy and it's closely related to visualisation. From there, it's but a short leap to manifestation.

And YES! What I'm saying there is you can manifest negatively as well as positively.

When you expect the worst, calamity gravitates towards you like a homing pigeon. If you expect the best, good luck will also find its way to you.

This is not to say that when terrible things happen, it means you've brought it on yourself by negative thinking. Terrible things come to us all regardless of how we think about life. But I do believe that some of these bad things are avoidable in the first place, certain others we can make better with a positive attitude and the worst of these terrible things which are a natural part of the human condition - failure, loss, grief - can be processed and recovered from more quickly and completely when we are in charge of our own minds.

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